

  • admin admin
    I was amazed and delighted earlier this month to be selected as part of Small Business Saturday’s #SmallBiz100 list of the hundred most impressive small businesses in the UK. I’m a big fan of Small Britain Saturday and their campaign to get more of us to shop local and shop
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    It seems that everyone is in love with dragons at the moment with Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros, and its sequel Iron Flame both riding high in the bestseller charts.  So here’s my round up of books to read if you’ve caught the dragon bug and need more.   Dragonflight
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    The concept of time travel has always intrigued writers, from HG Wells with his Time Machine, to all the many temporal rift plots in Star Trek. We’re fascinated by the possibilities of traveling back in time to a favourite historical period, or forward to see what the future brings.  We
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    It’s Sir Terry Pratchett’s birthday today and he is much missed by those who like their fantasy with a side order of humour and silliness. But when you’ve read all the Discworld books and the Long Earth books and all the others where do you turn?   Never fear,  we are
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    How do I know if a book subscription is right for me? That’s a very good question.  It’s one that I asked myself a lot of times when I was setting up The Gently Used Book Club. I was thinking about all those people who wanted to reduce their carbon
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